
Showing posts from December, 2012

رساله لعصام العريان

الأستاذه ريم ماجد سألت عصام العريان سؤال لم يجاوب عليه و هرب كالجبناء من الحوار. السيد المحترم "مجازاُ" عصام العريان الا تعرف ان اليهود معظمهم رحلوا عن مصر بملئ ارادتهم؟ انا لا اتحدث عن دوافعهم بل اتحدث عن موقفهم الثابت بالدليل التاريخي. قد رحل اليهود بملئ ارادتهم في 56 معظم يهود مصر قد وافتهم المنيه منذ عقود و من تبقي الأن لا اعتقد ان مصر تتحمل عودتهم او عودة ابنائهم و احفادهم, الذين ولدوا و عاشوا و تعلموا و تربوا في اسرائيل و علي التقاليد و العادات و الأفكار الأسرائيليه المشوهة. من انت و جماعتك حتي تدعو احد للقدوم الي مصر و العيش فيها ؟ هل وصل الأنحطاط الأخلاقي منكم و بيعكم للوطن الي ان تدخل من في حكم عدوك الأن ان يدخل مصر معزز مكرم و يستوطنها في سبيل ان يعود الفلسطينيين لأرضهم! يا لنبل اخلاقكم تبيعون ارضنا التي للأسف انت محسوب علينا منا من اجل جيراننا !! اخيرا اود ان اسألك سؤال واحد فقط هل قدم الأتحاد الأوروبي و امريكا جميله لهذا الدرجه ؟

Atheist in loving god - ملحد في حب الله

Being born to a specific religion doesn't necessarily make you a believer of that religion, as told there's heaven for the good and hell for the bad but how does it work if I didn't even chose my religion!?  In that exact moment the choice exists, whether you try to understand and believe in what you have or try to learn and explore to find inner peace even if it's in another one. That happened to me, I had my doubtful moments and to be honest not my family nor my community helped me to understand, they rejected my ideas and almost considered me an atheist!!  So am I an atheist because I love Allah and want to know him better?  Am I an atheist because my community's view of religion is full of fearful ideas instead of loving ones?  Am I an atheist because I understood my God and religion more than the ones speaks in its name? Fine shall it be, I will become an atheist of the idea of your non-existence. Of the wrong ideas that been brought up using your name, I wil...

Admin: Mahmoud Kabbary

Hello everyone my name's Mahmoud and i will be posting my thoughts and opinions about what is going in the world today. whether it's Politics, Art  or anything that comes through our minds :) i'm a senior high school student and I also work on becoming a movie Director/Actor

Admin: Jackii Ai

Hello everyone my name's Jackii and I'm here to give you some tips and tricks on beauty. I study hair, make up and special effects at MCVTS school of the arts where I also work on becoming a director and screenwriter. I've always wanted to share my beauty secrets with the public so I hope you enjoy! You can learn more about me from my blogspot: or My youtube: