
Showing posts from October, 2019


For years I’ve been suffering from emotional and psychological cycles ranging from intensely lows to dim highs, but I have never quite been able to put a finger on what’s causing these cycles; never really knew the triggers. Is my anxiety kicking in hard? Is it depression? Well, I honestly never knew its nature. I just understood it was something that happens occasionally and that I have no means to fix it but to go through it and be done with it until it happens again. Weeks in and weeks out those cycles spanned longer and longer, and my ability to handle their effect grew weaker by the day. I sought help from what I thought at the time as a possible fix, such as the beautiful invention of the internet. I’ve gone through various websites where I’ve diagnosed myself through online questionnaires which turned out to prove that I am batshit crazy with a plethora of mental illnesses. For years, I’ve lived under the mercy of my never-ending emotional cycles without even talking op...