
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Concept of God

Whether there's a God or not; whether there's a creator behind this universe or it was created by a mere coincidence, it does not matter. Because the fact of the matter is; we all have something in common. Whether you believe in a holy spirit and a son, a 600-pound man, the one Almighty, an animal spirit, an adventitious occurrence or simply believe in none. We all have a thing or two in common, but the most obvious thing is we all have a belief . Wanting to belong to something that is bigger than life is cemented in our nature as human beings. Some of us find that serene feeling in worshiping a specific God. One or more for that matter. And some others find their serenity in choosing to deny the existence of a certain or all deities. But all in all, I strongly believe that beyond our different reasons to embrace contrasting ideologies or the fact that we love to head-butt one another for no apparent reason. We all have an aspiration to look up to the skies above and kno...

ابناء الوطن

بدايةً أحب ان اشير بأنني لم اكن يوماً ممن فقدوا الآمل في الحياة وتغلب عليهم اليأس, ومنذ فترة ليست بقريبة قررت عدم الإفصاح عن أي رأي لي ربما يعكس ما اعانيه من إحباط. على العكس, قررت بيني وبين نفسي ان أحاول قدر المستطاع ان انظر إلى النصف الممتلئ من الكوب دوماً وذلك بكل بساطة يرجع لسبب قد توصلت إليه موخراً أيضاً وهو ان العالم لن يتأثر بأي رأي بائس قد افصح عنه. دعوني أعيد تكرار الجملة السابقة على محور اوسع قليلاً: العالم لن يتأثر ولن يتغير من بكاء شباب قد غلبهم اليأس ولم يتبقى بشرى للأمل في قلوبهم. الذين يعرفونني في غالب الوقت يقولون ان السمة التي اتميز بها هي "التفاهه." بكل دواعي الفخر اقول انني قد استطعت على مدار ثلاثة اعوام او ربما أثنان ان اتحول من شاب مثقف مهتم ومُلم بجل ما يدور حوله وبما يدور حول العالم إلى شاب سطحي تافه, اقرب ما يكون للسذاجه عن النضوج. ربما أصبحت كذلك لأنني ماعدت استطيع تحمل ما يجرى من حولي. ليس على المستوى الشخصي فقط بل على مستوى المجتمع من حولي. وعلى الرغم أن اغلب من اتعامل معهم يومياً تتساقط منهم طاقة إيجابية كما يتساقط الماء من الدلو الممتلئ, لكن ر...


I've watched the movie "Shawshank Redemption" a handful of times and each time I watch it I stop at one particular scene, where Red (Morgan Freeman) tells Andy (Tim Robbins) that he -Andy- should stop speaking about hope; because hope is a very dangerous thing. The first time I saw that scene, I didn't quite understand what he meant by that. How can hope be dangerous? Isn't it a good thing? It is, right? Only now that I understand the true nature of hope. The dangerous illusion that is called hope. Sometimes we face situations where hope is non-existent and you forcefully give up any ideas that you might have for yourself. There's no room for hope whatsoever, and you consciously and subconsciously accept that as a fact, then by any means hope finds its way to you; you take it. You accept it. Now imagine that and tell me: What will happen if you lose it? If you lost the very thing that keeps pushing you to go further and further? Let me tell you what you m...