Trials and Tribulations of a Teacher: Episode 3: Did you Find out Why?
So, I decided to post this third instalment one day early, on account of tomorrow being the first day of 2017 and I would like to start it on a less morbid and hopefully more positive note. So far, I have covered two of the blows that I received on that bleak school day morning. As for the bombshell that dropped before me as I was heading to class, it was a bit of news. Another colleague was recounting a story in woeful tones surrounded by sympathetic clucks and exclamations of “Aaaahs!” and “Goodness Gracious!” and the like. Instead of being a smart cookie who has learnt her lesson and would steer clear from such a scene threatening of bad news, being the idiot that I am, I throw myself in the line of fire. I discover that the cause of the hubbub was the death of a thirteen year old girl who died of food poisoning. She ate take out that was bespeckled with rat poison. I don’t know the girl personally. However, she is a representative of all the youth I work so hard to raise...