The Sons of Adam

Once upon a time there was nothing but a man and his wife. Separated they were thrown at different parts of the ancient world not knowing where to go or how. After years of separation they have united again, and once they had their moment of rejoicing, they were reminded of why they got apart, to begin with. The man loved the woman very much. He had no one else but her and so did the woman. Unlike most of the things around them they were not made out of them, but instead, they were crafted by the hands of God almighty himself. He has created them for one purpose which is to inhabit God's earth and populate civilizations after civilizations.

The man and his wife remembered the reason why they have been expelled from heavens. Simply because they have acted against the wish of God, and to add to that they have lost their sense of existence. They must return home, but how? Death has been and always will be the answer

Centuries went by, witnessing entire nations getting wiped off the face of the earth all due to people forgetting the reason why they are here. They were all trapped in the nets of sin while refusing their only escape from that filthy swamp. Repent, they have refused to. They were better off where they are in the arms of the devil, in the heart of the never-ending darkness. Millions and millions of years have passed, and people still stuck in the same limbo. We are better off without repenting our sins. We are better off without admitting the undeniable truth that the same thing that is considered to be our strength is the same thing that why we can never leave: Our weak souls.

Throughout time, God has sent his word to us, trying to remind us of our purpose, trying to remind us that the hope of us finding our way back home is still alive. But we, the sons of Adam have lost the sense of purpose and no longer can see beyond and above our miserable way of living life. We are –Or at least some of us- still, lingers on the words of false prophets and their disloyal intentions.

At the beginning of time, there was a Man that was hand-made and picked by the One who created all. That man was envied by a creature so magnificent to the point where he had every other being in awe. Why wasn't he picked to become the heir of everything? Why didn't he inherit what once belonged to his kind? Why would God pick an Inferior creature to his magnificence? He never found answers to his questions, and even if he did he would never accept any. Thus he accepted his malicious, evil and spiteful nature and acted accordingly. Knowing beforehand that the Man and his wife would believe whatever he says, he tricked them into what became the reason for their being thrown out of paradise.

We are still tricked by the presence of the evil wicked deity to this day. He successfully distracted us from fighting him and his descendants to fight each other. For how many years have we been killing each other? We the sons of Adam. The melody to the song of creation that was supposed to fill the universe with tones of prosperity, and content, is now filling it with grief, viciousness and unmercifulness. What has become of us? Does anybody have an answer? I guess not.

When a child is born, he or she is taught that our race belong to heaven, and that we fell on earth a long time ago and it's our mission in life to find our way back home. We all grew up sharing the same ideas and concepts of life, but held different labels for these ideas. These labels later on became a burden upon us. Became a reason for killing each other. Transformed into a reason for some to strike their fellow humans maliciously.

Somewhere, somehow there will be a time when we can see beyond the labels. When we will stop holding tightly to the labels and understand what they stand for, that in essence all is one and nothing is really different. We all came from the same womb. The very same womb which was created in heaven, and got lost since our birth to finding our way back to heaven.

We are the sons of Adam. The breed of Abraham. The descendants of Ismael and Jacob. Although we share different names, different stories, have different colors, breathe different air and live in different places. One fact remains intact which is All Is One. No matter what religion you follow, no matter what country you are from, color of your skin or whichever tongue you speak, we all came from the same place and we all are trying to go back to that one special place. Whether we found it during our life time or we passed to the other side without knowing where it is. We all are going to find the answer. Or better yet; the answer will find us. Death shall have the final saying with or without us finding our way back homeOnce upon a time there was nothing but a man and his wife. Separated they were thrown at different parts of the ancient world not knowing where to go or how. After years of separation they have united again, and once they had their moment of rejoicing, they were reminded of why they got apart, to begin with. The man loved the woman very much. He had no one else but her and so did the woman. Unlike most of the things around them they were not made out of them, but instead, they were crafted by the hands of God almighty himself. He has created them for one purpose which is to inhabit God's earth and populate civilizations after civilizations.

The man and his wife remembered the reason why they have been expelled from heavens. Simply because they have acted against the wish of God, and to add to that they have lost their sense of existence. They must return home, but how? Death has been and always will be the answer.  

Centuries passed on by, witnessing entire nations getting wiped off the face of the earth all due to them forgetting the reason why we are here. They all were trapped in the nets of sin while refusing their only escape from that filthy swamp. Repent, they have refused to. They were better off where they are in the arms of the devil. In the heart of the never-ending darkness. Millions and millions of years have passed, and we're still stuck in the same limbo. We are better off without repenting our sins. We are better off without admitting the undeniable truth that the same thing that is considered to be our strength is the same thing that is why we can never leave… Our weak souls.

Throughout time, God has sent his word to us, trying to remind us of our purpose, trying to remind us that the hope of us finding our way back home is still alive. But we the sons of Adam have lost the sense of purpose and no longer can see beyond and above our miserable way of living life. We are –Or at least some of us- still, linger for false hopes. For false prophets and their disloyal intentions.
At the beginning of time, there was a man that was hand-made and picked by the One who created all. That man was envied by a creature so magnificent to the point where he had every other being in awe. Why was he no picked to become the heir of everything? Why didn't he inherit what once belonged to his kind? Why would God pick an Inferior creature to his magnificence? He never found answers to his questions, and even if did he would never accept any. Thus he accepted his malicious, evil and spiteful nature and acted accordingly. Knowing beforehand that the Man and his wife would believe him in whatever he says, he tricked them into what became the reason for them to be thrown out of paradise.

We are still tricked by the presence of the evil wicked deity to this day. He successfully distracted us from fighting him and his descendants to fight each other. For how many years have we been killing each other? Us the sons of Adam. The melody to the song of creation that was supposed to fill the universe with tones of prosperity, contemned and contentedness, is now filling it with grief, viciousness and unmercifulness. What have become of us? Does anybody have an answer? I guess not.

When a child is born, he or she is taught that our race belong to heavens, and that we fell on earth long time ago and it's our mission in life to find our way back home. We all grew up sharing the same ideas and concepts of life, but held different labels for these ideas. These labels later on became a burden upon us. Became a reason why for killing each other. Transformed into a reason for some to raise their hands on their fellow humans maliciously.

Somewhere, somehow there will be a time when we could see beyond the labels. When we will stop holding tightly to the labels and understand what they stand for, that in essence all is one and nothing is really different. We all came from the same womb. The very same womb which was created in heavens, and got lost along the way back to it.

We are the sons of Adam. The breed of Ibrahim. The descendants of Ismael and Yacoub. Although we share different names, different stories, have different colors, breath different air and live in different places. One fact remain intact which is All Is One. No matter what religion you follow, no matter what country you hail from, color of your skin or whichever tongue you speak, we all came from the same place and we all are trying to go back to that one special place. Whether we found it during our life time or we passed to the other side without knowing where it is. We all are going to find the answer. Or better yet; the answer will find us. Death shall have the final saying with or without us finding our way back home. 

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