
Showing posts from February, 2017

في ذكرى اليوم العالمي للمرأة

إذا كان مجتمعنا قاتل لإحلام الرجاله فما بالكم بالستات؟ للأسف الشديد المجتمع العربي كله مُعادي للستات ومتحيز ضدهم على نطاق واسع. أغلبنا أتربى على فكرة ومذهب ان الستات كلهم عورات وإن البنت مهما بلغت وارتفعت درجات ومراحل تعليمها فمكانها الطبيعي هو بيتها، مع زوجها وأولادها، وتتحول من كائن مستقل إلى كائن له أهداف محددة من قديم الأزل ولا يجوز الخروج عنها بأي شكل من الأشكال علشان "عيب" في حين انه مش "حرام".  غالباً أي بوست بيقول نفس الكلمتين دول بيستشهد بأمثلة شهيرة للستات وصلوا للعالمية وتفوقوا على نظرائهم من السادة الرجال واغلب الأمثلة دي سبحان الله بتكون غربيه. بس انا مش هضرب أمثلة على الأقل مش في الأول كده.  من حوالي 14000 سنه وشوية فكه كان اغلب البلدان العربية الموجودة وقتها بتعامل الست العاديه على أنها سلعه. مادام مش من علية القوم يبقى على طول يتحط عليها sticker  مكتوب عليه سعر وحالة البضاعه وده طبعاً لو البنت من دول اهلها ما دفنوهاش... وعلى حد علمي الوضع في مصر وقتها مكانش مختلف بشكل كبير اوي الست وان كان حالها احسن شوية إلا انها ماخرجتش عن نفس الإطار. من...

A World At End - Short Story

The following story was thought of in a writing activity by students of American Council Egypt.  They came up with the outline and plot, and their teacher (Mahmoud Kabbary) polished their plot into what you are about to read. The students are: 1-  Abdelrahman Ragab Abdo 2- Youmna Ragab Abdo 3- Alaa Adel Ramadan Once upon a time in the town of Evesham, north of Cotswold, England, lived a genius along his peaceful protégé. Both were men of science, who worked their entire life experimenting new theories of Astrophysics. In the Genius's mind, he believes in a life which exists up there far away in space. And he wanted to prove so. Years passed until one day, they came to the discovery that changed their lives forever. They've approached what seemed to be a contact attempt from an extraterrestrial species. For months to follow they've kept the "contact" alive. Trying to get more details of what is happening beyond the horizon of their expectations. 3 months...

Stigmatized: A Long Overdue Rant

Every time someone asks me what I study I get nervous. Should I tell the truth or lie? Should I polish it without getting looks of disgust or empathy or try to overlook the question by joking about it? It's a long frustrating process of keeping my dignity intact. Here in Egypt, you either live with a chip on your shoulder or you don't. You either carry a stigma or you don't. A piece of paper with the word "certificate" written on it means more than you do. Unfortunately for me, I do carry a chip on my shoulder, and it shows every time someone asks me about my education. I find myself in a tight corner, explaining myself. The stigma of Higher Institute for Social Work. Although anywhere in the world it definitely is NOT something to be ashamed of, but here in Egypt we prefer to disagree . To those who don't know: The profession of Social Work is one of the most prestigious professions in the world. Not for less than the true effort made by men and women,...