
A couple of days ago I decided to go offline. It has been quite the experience; considering the fact that I've realized what I already knew a long time ago: How time-consuming the cyberspace is. We long for acceptance and recognition from people we hardly know. Our entire lives are held hostages to this massive yet insignificant world that we willingly give it the power to control us. Personally, I've grown a compulsive routine of going back-and-forth through virtual data -via Facebook- trying to catch up with people I care for; isn't it easier to talk to them face-to-face? Perhaps not. Social Media has made our lives harder, has made our conversations robotic to the point where it could ruin relationships based on our different reception of messages. However, my life is not better floating around this humongous space. During my hiatus, I've paid more attention to the smaller details around me. I was able to analyze some of the problems I have and I've evaluated...