
Showing posts from March, 2017


A couple of days ago I decided to go offline. It has been quite the experience; considering the fact that I've realized what I already knew a long time ago: How time-consuming the cyberspace is. We long for acceptance and recognition from people we hardly know. Our entire lives are held hostages to this massive yet insignificant world that we willingly give it the power to control us. Personally, I've grown a compulsive routine of going back-and-forth through virtual data -via Facebook- trying to catch up with people I care for; isn't it easier to talk to them face-to-face? Perhaps not. Social Media has made our lives harder, has made our conversations robotic to the point where it could ruin relationships based on our different reception of messages. However, my life is not better floating around this humongous space. During my hiatus, I've paid more attention to the smaller details around me. I was able to analyze some of the problems I have and I've evaluated...

جزيرة الذات - ذو الوجه الطويل (قصة قصيرة)

لا مفر مما أنا فيه الآن، عشرات الأيام في قلب الأمواج العاتيه ظننتها كافيه لقهر فكرة الموت بداخلي لكن كم كنت مخطئاً!! الخوف يتسرسب بعروقي مع كل خطوه اخطوها علي ظهر هذه الجزيرة الملعونة... يا الله أفكم البلاد و الجزر في عرض البحر لم تشاء الأقدار أن أفقد مسعاي بالبحر و من بعد ان ظننت ان بساط الطريق عاد تحت قدامي أجد نفسي محاصر بين براثن الموت المؤكد فأن لم يكن بأيدي الغرق فسيكون بأسنان قاطني هذه الجزيرة ... أنا ادعى قصي، القبطان قصي. قد جبت أعالي البحار مع طاقم من أشجع البحاره علي متن هيلانه، سفينتي حتي جاء اليوم المشؤوم الذي اطاح فيه بحر اسكندرون بطاقم سفينتي كله و بالمؤون و باكثرية المعدات في عرض البحر تاركاً وراءه ضحايا ليتخير منهم الموت من شاء و تاركاً رفات البقيه حتي يعود ليقبض روحهم بعد عذاب طال او قصر . من بعد اول لطمة ثم تابعتها الثانية لم أشعر بشئ آخر إلا بعد ان افقت.. لقد فقدت الوعي حين سقط في الماء علي ما يبدو، اشباح تطارد مخيلتي و نظري يحاول استيعاب ما حدث لكن لم يدم طويلاً حيث وجدت نفسي علي أعتاب شاطئ و محاصر بأشلاء محطمة وسط نهر من الدماء مختلط ببحر بارد لا ي...

All About Life and Love

I've often asked myself: What is life all about? And each time I ask this rhetorical question, I get the same answer: Life is the small smiles that we have in our little moments of joy, the wide grins that fill our faces when our hearts are full of happiness, the bits and pieces of ecstasy that touch our bodies and make them tremble; life is all about the heartbreaks, the shattered hearts, the outstretched flashes of devastation, and the brief moments of glee that follow the shattered pieces of our hearts when they are brought together again. Life is when we fail, fall and get up once again. It's the past memories haunting our present, and the fears of carrying on and losing those memories. The satisfaction of victories and the unhappiness of our defeats. These and more are what make life, life.   One cannot take a glimpse of one of those and say that's it. One must suffer greater loss, and bear through the pain, then emerge victorious on the other side. Love is ...