All About Life and Love

I've often asked myself: What is life all about? And each time I ask this rhetorical question, I get the same answer: Life is the small smiles that we have in our little moments of joy, the wide grins that fill our faces when our hearts are full of happiness, the bits and pieces of ecstasy that touch our bodies and make them tremble; life is all about the heartbreaks, the shattered hearts, the outstretched flashes of devastation, and the brief moments of glee that follow the shattered pieces of our hearts when they are brought together again. Life is when we fail, fall and get up once again. It's the past memories haunting our present, and the fears of carrying on and losing those memories. The satisfaction of victories and the unhappiness of our defeats. These and more are what make life, life.  

One cannot take a glimpse of one of those and say that's it. One must suffer greater loss, and bear through the pain, then emerge victorious on the other side.

Love is the greatest part of life, it's the thing we all want and desire. Love is abundant, it goes far and beyond our understanding and expectation. Love is the first time you open your eyes as an infant and see nothing but cheerful faces happy to see you. Love is the first time you grab the handle of your bicycle then take off, and while seeing everything go by so fast before your eyes, you fall and hurt your knees, but instead of crying, you laugh. It's when you first see this person that forces his/her way to into your heart and makes you flutter. It's the first time you hold hands with the person you love, and look each other in the eye, saying nothing, but your silence screams millions of emotions all at once. Your first kiss, when your lips meet his/hers then fireworks lift you up to heaven in an unspoken, indescribable feeling.  Then pain comes, because pain is part of life, part of love. When you spread your wings above the clouds, only for them to burn leading you to fall to your demise, leaving nothing but broken bones. You got scared of trying again, afraid of falling in love or being touched by anyone, but when you had the chance you let your guard down, and accept life's passion with open arms. 

Personally, I've been blessed enough in my short-life-span to have witnessed a great deal of those moments, thus, knowing how each of the situations I've mentioned felt like. I fell in love, got hurt and wounded, got up from the fall, loved again, then got hurt, and so on and on and probably will keep on doing this for as long as I am alive. Although, sometimes, I'm not living life to the fullest potential, but I always try to cheer myself up and those around me because maybe one day it'll be my turn to reach the horizon.

Every single human being on this planet is living life according to his/her own perspective. All of us are reasons as I love to say. No one comes in your life by chance or mere coincidence, as we are all a reason for one another. Maybe you needed to learn how to open up to life, so life decided to send you a reason, a lesson in the form of a person, and when your reason was fulfilled it was time for you to move on and get hurt, so life sent you another reason. The cycle goes on like this until the day you die. Some reasons are meant to stay forever, and some are just temporary for mere educational purposes. Some overstay their welcome and we must learn how to adjust or grow the power to say you are not welcome anymore. It is an endless cycle of reasons, causes and effects that we are  all trapped within. This is life.

As long as we breathe, love will find us. As long as we love, pain will hurt us. As long as we're in pain, hope will cure us. And as long as we are alive, we will have our moments of everything, until the day we learn to be content.


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