A tad bit off topic

Usually, I center my blogs on beauty and style but since I've been in production and taking some time off to focus on my health I've decided to blog on something that's really important to me. I'm not sure how others feel in different countries but I know in the United States this is a big issue.

As everyone may know today is Martin Luther King day. I feel like personally as an African American that we have grown as a race but then again we have a lot more work to do. I know many of you may be thinking "what is this girl talking about," but I feel it needs to be said. Everyday I'm subject to being something else, something bigger than I am because of the color of my skin. This is 2013 by now you would think we would have grown up some more. But, the ignorance of the past continues to thrive today. Everyday I have to hear not only the racist but ignorant remarks of others. And, sadly it sometimes comes from my own race. There seems to be this thought that there is a certain way to be "black" and if you do not fit the stereotype that means you are attempting to be white. I remember uploading videos and getting constantly criticized for talking too "white" and that I was self hating because I dye my hair. Excuse me but what back water isle did these people come from?

I also remember that when I uploaded this picture on one of the sites I model for I got comments about how I Photoshop myself to look "white". Everyone comes in different shapes and colors and it honestly was offensive for someone to randomly comment such a thing and I'm a person that isn't easily offended but there are times when people go to far!

When, I'm on the bus I have to hear people ignorantly make comments about my race and use the "N" word which honestly no one should use in my opinion. And, how it's "so ironic that I sit in the back because I'm black." The ignorance of the world is growing each and every year. Maybe if we focused on something productive and not something so idiotic as race we'd be at a state of bliss.

Now, I'm not bashing anyone I'm just stating my opinion. I just found this utterly disgusting and thought I should bring it up. I hope you all have an amazing day off.


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