Chapter One.

The darkest time of dawn is here, and I'm thrown over on the ground crippled with nothing but cold sweet images of a perfect past memories that fucks my mind I could feel my the blood in my veins heating up to a point of indescribable pain, my heart almost explode of how fast and hard it beat, my brain felt almost melted in my skull. I wanted this to end, I wanted this pain to leave but I'm helpless there's absolutely nothing to do to it. My arms and legs are shaking and it wasn't much time before I fell to my knees then on my face, almost destroyed by pain...  Am I dead?  No I heard death relieves but Fuck this is gotta be me dead in hell!!

Oh god stop this I'm begging you for Mercy.

Wait what's happening?? The pain is slowly taking its leave out of me. My body temperature is decreasing rapidly now, my heart beats getting normal, I'm trying to reach the door. Crawling to it, now that I got on my knees and standing up; here's the final step away from my freedom. I cannot believe that I'm finally got out of that stinking room of torture and nightmares, I can finally see the orange sun rays descending, I can feel the cold breath of wind dancing its way on my face. All those years and years of horror and silence are now over.


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